Kenwel Printers
4272 Indianola Avenue
Columbus, OH 43214
Weekly Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
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FAQs: File Management
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File Management
Yes, we can both scan your files and save them to a CD so that you have access to them for future projects. As we explore opportunities to use cloud storage to share files more easily and across mobile platforms, this process should become easier. We will update our FAQs as our processes change, but you can always contact us if you have specific questions.
Yes, we maintain archived files of previous projects for all our clients. This is as much a matter of courtesy as practicality. We understand very well the importance of having access to prepared files to begin a project and we know how easy it can be to lose track of files in the workplace. We store files as a safety net for both you as a customer and us as your printer.
Yes, this is especially important to us for workflow and you for speed and accuracy. Currently we use a cloud-based file transfer service called ShareFile, which allows you to bundle files and upload them to us instead of attaching your files to e-mail. You may access it through our Send Us Your File page.